Choose one of the years below to see some of the recognition our employees have garnered and some of the plaques and trophies displayed in our corporate headquarters.

Fort Leonard Wood, MO – Logistics Support Services 
The Central Issue Facility (CIF) does it again – the PMI Team in this section continues to receive praise for their efficiency. This Customer Comment Card says it all: “This Comment is a long time coming. This CIF has been the most squared away, friendly and professional that I have been to in my 12 years of Military service. Every time I do business here I am impressed and blown away at how the personnel here do their best to accomplish the mission. I’m a drill sergeant and bring soldiers through here consistently. On my end, there is a hiccup here and there that potentially ruins the entire CIF process. The super individuals here know their job so well they help me figure out the best approach for a correct first time go.” Way to go, Team!
Western WA – Land Ports of Entry 
PMI’s Project Manager received a Letter of appreciation from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in recognition of PMI’s willingness to volunteer and assist CBP with moving logistically challenging equipment. PMI transported the officer shelters to the Peace Arch and Pacific Highway locations and relocated weight equipment to the Sumas location. The letter stated: “You clearly demonstrated your technical expertise, professionalism, and willingness to help where, and when needed. Your efforts, and the support of your management team, have greatly assisted the U.S. Government in proceeding with projected construction plans. These efforts will assist in keeping CBP Officers safe, fit, and ready for duty. These actions reflect great
credit upon yourselves and Phoenix Management Inc., and also serve to foster a high level of cooperation between PMI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection.” Congratulations, Team! 

Contact Us

2000 Windy Terrace, Suite 5A
Cedar Park, TX 78613
tel:  512-335-5663
fax: 512-335-5536


..... I commend you for your dedication to ensuring that our veterans have access to ample employment opportunities and helping them find their place in the Texas workforce. Together, we will build a better and brighter future for the Lone Star State.

Governor Greg Abbott

... “I just want to take a moment to recognize the outstanding job your contract team has done. Their daily work performance is always off the charts, but getting VPP Gold is just another demonstration of their determination."...

Commander Robins AFB, GA

Upon winning the 78 LRS 1st Quarter Team Award: “This is the absolute top award for our Squadron. Needless to say your PMI Vehicle Maintenance team continues to rise us up to the top. I am sincerely grateful to be associated with such awesome, hard-working, dedicated people.

Senior Government Official Robins AFB, GA

..."PMI has provided us with an exceptional Project Manager (PM). The PM has understood our mission and has never said “no” to any request from our office. PMI has also staffed the tabs with managers that are experienced and knowledgeable and employees that are Customer Service oriented."

Retiring Senior Government Official Westover ARB, MA


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