Choose one of the years below to see some of the recognition our employees have garnered and some of the plaques and trophies displayed in our corporate headquarters.

PMI Wins HIRE Vets Medallion Award for 2022 - “I am pleased to extend my congratulations on the selection for and pending award to Phoenix Management, Inc. of a 2022 HIRE Vets Medallion Award. Please accept our thanks for exemplary efforts in recruiting, employing, and retaining our nation's veterans. The Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Medallion Program implements the requirements of the HIRE Vets Act of 2017 (Public Law 115-31). The HIRE Vets Medallion Award is the only federal award recognizing exceptional achievement in veteran employment. By meeting the criteria required for a Gold Medallion Award, Phoenix Management, Inc. demonstrated both patriotism and recognition of the values veterans bring to the workplace.”


Tyndall AFB, FL – Bulk Fuels Operations - Tyndall AFB was involved with a base-wide Major Spill Exercise.  The base squadron's included Base Fire Dept, Security, Base and Wing Safety, Environmental, local Civil Engineering and local contractors for cleanup purposes.  Two of PMI’s employees were recognized for outstanding performance and PMI was given an excellent rating for our part in the exercise!

Homestead ARB, FL – Base Operations and Support Services - A PMI employee was recognized for superior performance during a 10AF, 482Wing Inspection.  In the official report, PMI’s SUPERIOR PERFORMER was 1 of only 3 personnel in the entire Wing who was recognized.  Thanks for a job well done!


Homestead ARB, FL – Base Operations & Support Services - The 10th Air Force inspected the 482 FW recently and recognized PMI’s IPE Manager as a “Superior Performer” for his outstanding job in exceeding IPE storage compliance expectations pertinent to the Air Force Reserve Command’s IPE/gas mask program. By assigning all Wing, DW-coded personnel a meticulously pre-packaged gas mask and elaborately preparing and executing an excellent IPE storage tracking program, he significantly minimized or completely avoided a potential mishap in the storage efforts and issuance of life-saving mobilization equipment to 482 FW warriors. He was the only contractor recognized for the entire installation. Very Well Done!


Tyndall AFB, FL – Bulk Fuel Operations -  In August Tyndall AFB conducted a base-wide Major Spill Exercise. The base squadrons included the Base Fire Department, Security, Base and Wing Safety, Environmental, local Civil Engineering, and local contractors for the clean-up. All elements were staged and all actions were simulated to check the response time for all agencies after a major spill within the Tank Farm area. PMI’s role was to inform the Fuels Control Center of the incident, contain any fuel (if possible), evacuate the area, and direct traffic until the first responders arrived. The PMI Team was given a rating of EXCELLENT for their part in the exercise. Very Well Done!

Contact Us

2000 Windy Terrace, Suite 5A
Cedar Park, TX 78613
tel:  512-335-5663
fax: 512-335-5536


..... I commend you for your dedication to ensuring that our veterans have access to ample employment opportunities and helping them find their place in the Texas workforce. Together, we will build a better and brighter future for the Lone Star State.

Governor Greg Abbott

... “I just want to take a moment to recognize the outstanding job your contract team has done. Their daily work performance is always off the charts, but getting VPP Gold is just another demonstration of their determination."...

Commander Robins AFB, GA

Upon winning the 78 LRS 1st Quarter Team Award: “This is the absolute top award for our Squadron. Needless to say your PMI Vehicle Maintenance team continues to rise us up to the top. I am sincerely grateful to be associated with such awesome, hard-working, dedicated people.

Senior Government Official Robins AFB, GA

..."PMI has provided us with an exceptional Project Manager (PM). The PM has understood our mission and has never said “no” to any request from our office. PMI has also staffed the tabs with managers that are experienced and knowledgeable and employees that are Customer Service oriented."

Retiring Senior Government Official Westover ARB, MA


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